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💔 one toxic relationship does not have to define you forever ❤️‍🩹



Isabella Francis's book discusses another part of divorce that I never ever knew. It made me realize that divorce not only affects the couple but also other people who know that couple. I learned about how there are different types of codependency, even though I have heard the word used before.


It might not seem doable but it is! This book was truly remarkable. Codependency Recovery Post-Divorce helps answer a lot of questions and offers guidance on an independent lifestyle after divorce.

Tara Dodson

I can't praise 'Setting Boundaries After A Toxic Divorce' by Isabella Francis enough. Her compassionate approach and practical guidance were instrumental in my healing journey. This book is a reassuring friend during the challenging times of divorce recovery.

Charlotte Buffum

With having divorced parents I connected with this book on a whole other level. The insights that I absorbed with reading this book had me take a few steps back and analyze the past years in my life and breakdown the trauma I endured.


About Isabella

Inspired by the horrors of a two-year long toxic
relationship, Isabella Francis has
made it her number one mission to help people escape the clutches of
narcissism, abuse and toxicity.